Post a job
  • October 9, 2023

Hello! I could begin by telling you all about my copywriting expertise, and how working together would be a fantastic idea. But before we get to all that, I’ll start by illustrating the power of copywriting. My primary function as a copywriter is to pull eyes down the page, like this:

That small, double-spaced jump may have only felt like hopping off a curb, but add enough of them together, and you’re on your way to cultivating fans, building communities, and converting customers. All other benefits of thoughtful, compelling copywriting stem from the fulfillment of this primary function. Because making it to the following line means the reader:

  • Needs something you have,
  • Is learning something new,
  • Is entertained, delighted, or engaged.

This leads us to why businesses can benefit from working with me. Copywriting is often an underutilized part of marketing and sales strategies simply because it falls onto the desk of someone who’s either too close to the business or has a tornado of other tasks to complete.

The fix is simple: Hire a dedicated copywriter trained to refine, optimize, and polish your content (pssst, I’m talking about me). Copywriters spend their days sifting through haystacks of words, studying techniques to convince and persuade, reflecting on how customers think, and writing content that connects. So place a copywriter in your corner, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t hire one sooner.



Bsc Mass Communication @ Unilag
Mar 2016 — Feb 2020


Copywriter @ Iwrite LTD
May 2020 — Nov 2022

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